
Surfing on a motorized surfboard, an exhilarating experience that makes waves!


Several addresses are available for this company. Please select the address you are interested in using the selector to consult the activities offered there.

4113, chemin du Portage des roches sud,, Laterrière, Québec, G7N 1X5

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Web site


Born from a need to push the limits of conventional water sports, this board stands out due to its design and hydromechanical engineering. The driving experience it provides has attracted many drivers of all levels to try this exhilarating sport.

Google reviews



Payment methods

Who is this activity for?

  • Not recommended for people with reduced autonomy or with a particular physical condition
  • Good physical condition recommended


The displayed schedule may be subject to change. For any questions, please refer to the company's website or contact the company directly.

Period of operation


Born from a need to push the limits of conventional water sports, this board stands out due to its design and hydromechanical engineering. The driving experience it provides has attracted many drivers of all levels to try this exhilarating sport.

Google reviews



Payment methods

Who is this activity for?

  • Not recommended for people with reduced autonomy or with a particular physical condition
  • Good physical condition recommended


The displayed schedule may be subject to change. For any questions, please refer to the company's website or contact the company directly.

Period of operation
