Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean offers a wide range of services to the various media (journalists, content creators, bloggers) who wish to learn about and discover our region. Whether you're planning an individual or group stay, a journalistic tour or any other content request, we have the answers to your questions and the resources to help you.

Whether your publications are aimed at Quebec, national or international media, you'll find inspiration and documents to help you

What's New?

Our businesses are constantly working to expand their service offering. Here's a sneak preview of what's new in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean tourism!


What's new for summer

Par ici

What's new for winter

Par ici


Here is a selection of royalty-free photos. Please give photo credit where specified, otherwise credit Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.

Other images are available. To access our official media library, please contact :

Katherine Bouchard - Media Relation Agent
☎ 418 543-3536, ext. 237


See videos of places, people and experiences that are out of the ordinary. Also check out our Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean vlogs. Don't hesitate to share them with your customers!

Other videos (French and English) are available on request.

For more information or to obtain other media, please contact :

Louis-Michel Fleury - Digital Content Management Coordinator

☎ 418 543-3536, ext. 222

Have any questions?

To help you live the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean experience to its full potential, better inform your audience, or for any other information, don't hesitate to contact the members of our marketing team.

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Travel professionals section