Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean offers a wide range of services to travel professionals who want to learn more about our destination. Whether you're planning an individual or group itinerary, a business event or a familiarization tour, we have the answers to your questions and the resources to help you.
Presentation Handout
Download or share this one-page summary of the highlights of the Saguenay- Lac-Saint-Jean region. Perfect for your clients or sales staff.
Hikes, soft adventures, one-day getaways, culinary experiences, everything to inspire you for the creation of custom packages and tours.
Download itineraries to suit your clientele.
Discover other environmentally responsible and inspirational itineraries
Powerpoint Presentations
Would you like to present the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region to your clients or sales team? Please contact us! We have several Powerpoint presentations you can use.
What's New
Be the first to learn about the latest tourism news and updates from Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean!
Regional Maps and Brochures
Consult our various regional and thematic maps to learn more about cycling, snowmobiling, foodie tourism, camping or just to get to know the region better and what we can offer you.
Here is a selection of royalty free photos that may be used in your articles and publications. Please include the photo credit when specified, otherwise use “Tourisme Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean” as credit. Other images are available, to access our official media library, please contact :
Ian Langlois - Digital Content Management Coordinator
☎ 418 543-3536, poste 236
See videos of places, people and experiences that are out of the ordinary. Also check out our Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean vlogs. Don't hesitate to share them with your customers!
Other videos (French and English) are available on request. For more informations or any other media request, please contact :
Ian Langlois - Digital Content Management Coordinator
☎ 418 543-3536, poste 236
Get off the beaten track and organize a memorable business event. Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean has a lot to offer if you're looking to stimulate your participants' enthusiasm and strengthen your business relationships. With its natural attractions, urban feel and warm hospitality, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean has everything you need to make your event a success.
A Roadtrip that Brings People Together
The adventure starts from the get-go! Whether you take the scenic route through the Réserve faunique des Laurentides or fly in, you'll not only strengthen team bonds, but you can also add a training session, a presentation or even a tasting of regional products which allows your participants to immerse themselves in the event. Thanks to its geographical location, it's easier to take a break from the daily grind and foster a better group dynamic.
Environment and Hospitality : Invaluable Assets
Far from the hustle and bustle of big cities, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean offers a change of scenery in a natural setting conducive to concentration and rejuvenation. Whether for a convention or a team-building activity, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean transforms ordinary meetings into memorable experiences. Not to mention the destination's mastery of the art of welcoming visitors!
Tailored Support
Thanks to the Office du Tourisme et des congrès de Saguenay and the Bureau des congrès Lac-Saint-Jean, you'll get warm, customized support.
• Preparation of application books;
• Familiarization tour;
• Search for venues and suppliers;
• Promotional material;
• Welcome and tourist information booth;
• Presence on the organizing committee;