Restauration Ô Mets Chinois


For almost 30 years, this popular restaurant has been offering Canadian Chinese cuisine with their buffet and à la carte menu. Also serving a selection of grilled foods, chicken, pasta, pizza and salad, in addition to regional specialties (tourtière and blueberry pie) in season. Breakfast served daily, brunch on Sunday mornings and catering.

Several addresses are available for this company. Please select the address you are interested in using the selector to consult the activities offered there.

1005 boul. Sacré-Coeur, Saint-Félicien, Québec, G8K 1R4

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For nearly 30 years, this popular restaurant has offered the classics of North American Chinese cuisine in an all-you-can-eat buffet or à la carte format.


It also serves a selection of grilled meats, poultry, pasta, pizzas and salads, as well as regional specialties (tourtière and blueberry pie) in season.


Breakfast every day, brunch on Sunday morning and catering service.



For nearly 30 years, this popular restaurant has offered the classics of North American Chinese cuisine in an all-you-can-eat buffet or à la carte format.


It also serves a selection of grilled meats, poultry, pasta, pizzas and salads, as well as regional specialties (tourtière and blueberry pie) in season.


Breakfast every day, brunch on Sunday morning and catering service.

