
In Saint-Félicien, Motel Moreau is located 6 km from the Saint-Félicien Zoo sauvage and 7 km from the Saint-Prime beach.

Several addresses are available for this company. Please select the address you are interested in using the selector to consult the activities offered there.

684 boul. Sacré-Coeur, Saint-Félicien, Québec, G8K 1T4

See on the map



This motel offers 19 units with the following characteristics:


- Air conditioning

- Free internet

- Mini-fridge


All rooms are air-conditioned and have cable TV, a refrigerator and Wi-Fi. Toiletries and a hair dryer are also included, as is a parking space.


J D q ŷ


Payment methods

Number of units : 19

Establishment number : 066290


The displayed schedule may be subject to change. For any questions, please refer to the company's website or contact the company directly.

Period of operation


This motel offers 19 units with the following characteristics:


- Air conditioning

- Free internet

- Mini-fridge


All rooms are air-conditioned and have cable TV, a refrigerator and Wi-Fi. Toiletries and a hair dryer are also included, as is a parking space.


J D q ŷ


Payment methods

Number of units : 19

Establishment number : 066290


The displayed schedule may be subject to change. For any questions, please refer to the company's website or contact the company directly.

Period of operation
