Marché public de Chicoutimi


Among other things, citizens will be able to purchase vegetables, fruit, baked goods, coffee and processed products such as pasta, sauces and jams.

Several addresses are available for this company. Please select the address you are interested in using the selector to consult the activities offered there.

155, Racine Est, Saguenay (arr. Chicoutimi), , G7H 1R5

See on the map


Place du Citoyen will host the CHICOUTIMI PUBLIC MARKET, a market bringing together around ten market gardeners and artisanal food processors. The market is a great place to buy fresh, local produce.


Place du Citoyen will host the CHICOUTIMI PUBLIC MARKET, a market bringing together around ten market gardeners and artisanal food processors. The market is a great place to buy fresh, local produce.
