With 14 microbreweries to visit in the region, the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean has no shortage of microbreweries and outings to do. Whether you do it in part or in whole, you'll have fun on the roads of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, summer and winter, you'll revel in the hoppy flavours, unique atmospheres and the warm welcome of our inhabitants.
Bring a designated driver! And don't forget your Beer Route card to collect stamps and receive a gift at the end of your trip!

Saguenay sector
- La Voie Maltée (Jonquière)
- La voie Maltée (Chicoutimi)
- Microbrasserie Pie Braque
- Microbrewery Hopéra
- Br77 Microbrewery
- Microbrewery Saint-Honoré
- Microbrewery la Tour à Bières