Fromagerie la Normandinoise


La Normandinoise is a typically artisanal, farm-based, family-run cheese factory initially from a dairy farm located in Normandin, north of Lac St-Jean, whose history dates back to 1979. In 2006, the couple Hélène Cadieux and Yvon Fortin founded the cheese factory in order to transform the farm milk and with the vision of integrating their sons, Vincent and Maxime, into it for the long term, and thus continue the adventure with the third generation. The cheese dairy lovingly produces farmhouse-style cheese, produced only from fresh milk from the herd of 50 purebred Holstein cows, fed with forage, corn and soy produced from the farm’s terroir. 


Several addresses are available for this company. Please select the address you are interested in using the selector to consult the activities offered there.

554 rue Saint-Cyrille, Normandin, Québec, G8M 4H4

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Soft cheese: Le Maria-Chapdelaine, Le François-Paradis, Le Péribonka. The cheddar: fresh, aged, flavoured. The ash cheese: Le chant du coq. Farm cheese.


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Soft cheese: Le Maria-Chapdelaine, Le François-Paradis, Le Péribonka. The cheddar: fresh, aged, flavoured. The ash cheese: Le chant du coq. Farm cheese.


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