Kuei! Tan eshpalin? In ilnu, that's how you'd say "Hello! How are you?"

Human occupation of the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region goes back much further than European colonization. Around 5,000 years ago, the history of this people began on the shores of Mashteuiatsh (meaning "where there's a point"). The inhabitants of this community are the Pekuakamiulnuatsh, meaning the humans of Pekuakami (Lac Saint-Jean).

Mashteuiatsh is still home to the region's largest First Nation community. With its distinctive point jutting out into Lac Saint-Jean, this well-situated location was long an important fur-trading point, as well as a meeting place for many of Quebec's First Nations. The point is brimming with history, and the community is quick to honor the site's history in a variety of ways.


Want to learn more about the history of the Mashteuiatsh community? There are many ways to immerse yourself in the lives of local people. Whether it's through exhibitions, creative workshops or even singing and dancing, there are many ways to discover the history of this great people. The community of Mashteuiatsh will present you with a delightful blend of tradition and modernity!

Discover the region's cultural and historical activities